The AnukramaNIs The AnukramaNIs or Indices of the Rigveda provide us with the most basic information about each of the 1028 hymns of the Rigveda: a. The
RSi or composer of each hymn or verse.
b. The
DevatA or deity of each hymn or verse.
c. The Chhanda or metre of each hymn or verse. For the purpose of our historical analysis of the Rigveda, we will be concerned only with the index which deals with the most undeniably historical aspect of the Rigveda: the index of RSis which provides us with details about the living and breathing historical personalities who composed the hymns. The Rigveda
consists of 10 MaNDala or Books, which contain 1028 sUktas or hymns, consisting
of 10552 mantras or verses as follows:
Total |
1028 |
10552 |
The AnukramaNIs give us details, regarding these hymns, which are so basic and indispensable that it is inconceivable that any serious scholar could consider it possible to analyse the hymns without taking the AnukramaNIs as the very basis for his analysis. But, ironically, not only are the AnukramaNIs generally ignored by the scholars, but this ignorance of, and indifference to, the details contained in the AnukramaNIs is even flaunted by them. Consider the following statements by eminent scholars who consider themselves qualified to make pronouncements on Rigvedic history: B.K. Ghosh: “The first MaNDala falls naturally into two parts: the first fifty hymns have the KaNvas as authors like the eighth MaNDala…”.1 Actual fact: I.1-11, 24-30 (eighteen hymns) are by ViSvAmitras. I.31-35 (five hymns) are by ANgirases I.12-23, 36-50 (twenty-seven hymns) are by KaNvas DD Kosambi: “The principal Vedic god is Agni, the god of fire; more hymns are dedicated to him than to any other. Next in importance comes Indra.”2 Actual fact: The ratio between the number of hymns and verses to the two gods, by any count, is Indra: Agni = 3:2. The flippant attitude of these scholars towards factual details, when it comes to Rigvedic studies, is underlined by the nature of Kosambi’s error: he misinterprets the fact that hymns to Agni are generally placed before hymns to Indra, to mean that there are more hymns to Agni than to Indra! Maurice Bloomfield, in his invaluable work on Rigvedic Repetitions (i.e. verses, verse-sections or phrases, which occur more than once in the Rigveda) claims that these repetitions prove the falsity or dubiousness of the information contained in the AnukramaNIs: Under the title “Untrustworthiness of AnukramaNI-statements Shown by the Repetitions”, Bloomfield remarks that “the statements of the SarvAnukramaNI .... betray the dubiousness of their authority in no particular more than in relation to the repetitions .... the AnukramaNI finds it in its heart to assign, with unruffled insouciance, one and the same verse to two or more authors, or to ascribe it to two or more divinities, according as it occurs in one book or another, in one connexion or another. The AprI stanzas 3.4.8-11 = 7.2.8-11 are ascribed in the third book to ViSvAmitra GAthina, in the seventh book to VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI.”3 However: 1. The repetitions do not disprove the authenticity of the AnukramaNIs:
In the case of the Rigveda it is significant that every single repetition pertains to a literary or liturgical phrase. In fact, the more literary or liturgical the reference, the more the likelihood of repetitions: the longest repetition of three consecutive verses is in the liturgical AprI-sUktas of the ViSvAmitras and VasiSThas: III.4.8-11 = VII.2.8-11. Not a single repetition pertains to any historical reference: even when the same historical reference is found in four different verses, the phrasing is different: I.53.10; II.14.7; VI.18.13; VIII. 53.2. Therefore, regardless of the number of verses or verse-sections common to any two hymns ascribed to two different RSis, the hymns in question have to be regarded as compositions of the two RSis to whom they are ascribed: that one RSi has borrowed from the composition of the other is no criterion in judging the correctness of the AnukramaNIs.
The composers of the Rigveda were members of ten priestly families, and each family had its own AprI-sUkta composed by a member of the family. In later times, during the performance of any sacrifice, at the point where an AprI-sUkta was to be recited, the conducting RSi was required to recite the AprI-sUkta of his own family. The AprI-sUkta of the ViSvAmitras was therefore undoubtedly composed by a ViSvAmitra, and that of the VasiSThas by a VasiSTha. If these two hymns contain repetitions in common, it constitutes the ultimate proof that repetitions in common are no evidence of two hymns not having been composed by two different RSis. 2. There is no logical reason to doubt the authenticity of the authorship ascriptions in the AnukramaNIs, which are corroborated by: a. The very existence of the AnukramaNIs as a part and parcel of the Rigvedic text from the most ancient times. b. The very division of the Rigveda into MaNDala, many of which are family MaNDala. c. The uniformity of style in hymns ascribed to single RSis or families (eg. Parucchepa). d. The common refrains occuring in the concluding verses of hymns ascribed to certain RSis or families (eg. Kutsa). e. The common contexts in hymns ascribed to certain RSis or families (eg. the repeated references to SudAs in hymns by VasiSThas). f. Specific statements within the hymns, where the composers refer to themselves by name. g. Most important of all, the perfectly logical way in which an analysis of the historical references in the hymns, as we shall demonstrate in this book, produces a pattern of historical correspondences and inter-relationships which fits in perfectly with the ascriptions in the AnukramaNIs. With this, we may now turn to the actual details given in the AnukramaNIs regarding the names of the composers of the different hymns in the Rigveda: |
MaNDala I (191 hymns) | |
11 12-23 24-30 31-35 36-43 44-50 51-57 58-64 65-73 74-93 94-98 99 100 101-115 116-126 127-139 140-164 165-191 |
JetA MAdhucchandas MedhAtithi KANva SunahSepa AjIgarti later DevarAta VaiSvAmitra HiraNyastUpa ANgiras KaNva Ghaura PraskaNva KANva Savya ANgiras NodhAs Gautama ParASara sAktya Gotama RAhUgaNa Kutsa ANgiras KaSyapa MArIca RjrASva VArSAgira Kutsa ANgiras KakSIvAn Dairghatamas Parucchepa DaivodAsI DIrghatamas Aucathya Agastya MaitrAvaruNI |
MaNDala II (43 hymns) | |
4-7 8-26 27-29 30-43 |
GRtsamada Saunahotra, later
GRtsamada Saunaka
SomAhuti BhArgava GRtsamada Saunahotra, later GRtsamada Saunaka KUrma GArtsamada GRtsamada Saunahotra, later GRtsamada Saunaka |
MaNDala III (62 hymns) | |
13-14 15-16 17-18 19-22 23-35 36 37 38 39-53 54-56 57-61 62 |
ViSvAmitra GAthina
RSabha VaiSvAmitra UtkIla KAtya Kata VaiSvAmitra GAthin KauSika. VaiSvAmitra GAthina VaiSvAmitra GAthina, Ghora ANgiras VaiSvAmitra GAthina VaiSvAmitra GAthina, Prajapati VaiSvAmitra/VAcya VaiSvAmitra GAthina PrajApati VaiSvAmitra /VAcya VaiSvAmitra GAthina VaiSvAmitra GAthina, Jamadagni BhArgava |
MaNDala IV (58 hymns) | |
43-44 45-58 |
VAmadeva Gautama
PurumILha Sauhotra, AjamILha Sauhotra VAmadeva Gautama |
MaNDala V (87 hymns) | |
2 3-6 7-8 9-10 11-14 15 16-17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-26
Budha/ GaviSThira Atreya
KumAra/VRSa JAna Atreya VasuSruta Atreya ISa Atreya Gaya Atreya Sutambhara Atreya DharuNa ANgiras PUru Atreya Dvita Atreya Vavri Atreya Prayasvanta Atreya Sasa Atreya ViSvasAman Atreya Dyumna ViSvacarSaNI Atreya Bandhu, Subandhu, Srutabandhu, Viprabandhu (GaupAyanas) VasUyava Atreya Atri Bhauma ViSvavArA AtreyI GaurivIti SAktya Babhru Atreya Avasyu Atreya GAtu Atreya SamvaraNa PrAjApatya PrabhUvasu ANgiras Atri Bhauma AvatsAra KASyapa, various Atreyas SadApRNa Atreya PratikSatra Atreya Pratiratha Atreya PratibhAnu Atreya Pratiprabha Atreya Svasti Atreya SyAvASva Atreya Srutavida Atreya ArcanAnas Atreya RAtahavya Atreya Yajata Atreya Urucakri Atreya BAhuvRkta Atreya Paura Atreya Avasyu Atreya Atri Bhauma Saptavadhri Atreya SatyaSravas Atreya SyAvASva Atreya Atri Bhauma EvayAmarut Atreya |
MaNDala VI (75 hymns) | |
31-32 33-34 35-36 37-43 44-46 47 48 49-52 53-74 75 |
BharadvAja BArhaspatya
Suhotra BharadvAja Sunahotra BharadvAja Nara BharadvAja BharadvAja BArhaspatya Samyu BArhaspatya Garga BharadvAja Samyu BArhaspatya RjiSvan BhAradvAja BharadvAja BArhaspatya PAyu BharadvAja |
MaNDala VII (104 hymns) | |
32 33-100 101-102 103-104 |
VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI
VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI Sakti VAsiSTha VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI, Kumara Agneya VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI |
MaNDala VIII (103 hymns) | |
PragAtha KANva, MedhAtithi
MedhyAtithi KANva MedhAtithi KANva, Priyamedha ANgiras MedhyAtithi KANva DevAtithi KANva BrahmAtithi KANva Vatsa KANva Punarvatsa KANva Sadhvamsa KANva SaSakarNa KANva PragAtha KANva Vatsa KANva Parvata KANva NArada KANva GoSUktin KANva, ASvasUktin KANva IrimbiTha KANva Sobhari KANva ViSvamanas VaiyaSva ViSvamanas VaiyaSva, VyaSva ANgiras Manu Vaivasvata or KaSyapa MArIca MedhAtithi KANva MedhyAtithi KANva NIpAtithi KANva SyAvASva Atreya NAbhAka KANva NAbhAka KANva, ArcanAnas Atreya VirUpa ANgiras TriSoka KANva VaSa ASvya Trita Aptya PragAtha KANva PraskaNva KANva PuSTigu KANva SruSTigu KANva Ayu KANva Medhya KANva MAtariSvan KANva KRSa KANva PRSadhra KANva Medhya KANva SuparNa KANva Bharga PrAgAtha PrAgAtha KANva Kali PrAgAtha Matsya SAmmada or MAnya MaitrAvaruNI riyamedha ANgiras Puruhanman ANgiras SudIti PurumILha Haryata PrAgAtha Gopavana Atreya VirUpa ANgiras Kurusuti KANva KRtnu BhArgava Ekadyu NaudhAsa usIdin KANva USanA KAvya, KRSna ANgiras KRSna ANgiras, ViSvaka KArSNI KRSna ANgiras, DyumnIka VAsiSTha, Priyamedha ANgiras NodhAs Gautama NRmedha ANgiras, Purumedha ANgiras ApAlA AtreyI SukakSa ANgiras Vindu ANgiras, PUtadakSa ANgiras TiraScI ANgiras Rebha KASyapa NRmedha ANgiras Nema BhArgava Jamadagni BhArgava Prayoga BhArgava, Agni BArhaspatya Sobhari KANva |
MaNDala IX (114 hymns) | |
2 3 4 5-24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-43 44-46 47-49 50-52 53-60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75-79 80-82 83 84 85 86 87-89
Madhucchandas VaiSvAmitra
MedhAtithi KANva SunahSepa AjIgarti HiraNyastUpa ANgiras Asita KASyapa, Devala KASyapa DRLhacyuta Agastya IdhmavAha DArLhacyuta NRmedha ANgiras Priyamedha ANgiras NRmedha ANgiras Bindu ANgiras Gotama RAhUgaNa SyAvASva Atreya Trita Aptya PrabhUvasu ANgiras RahUgaNa ANgiras BRhanmati ANgiras MedhAtithi KANva AyAsya ANgiras Kavi BhArgava Ucathya ANgiras AvatsAra KASyapa AmahIyu ANgiras Jamadagni BhArgava Nidhruvi KASyapa KaSyapa MArIca Jamadagni BhArgava Sata VaikhAnasa SaptaRSis, Pavitra ANgiras VatsaprI BhAlandana HiraNyastUpa ANgiras ReNu VaiSvAmitra RSabha VaiSvAmitra Harimanta ANgiras Pavitra ANgiras KakSIvAn Dairghatamas avi BhArgava asu BhAradvAja Pavitra ANgiras PrajApati VAcya Vena BhArgava Atri Bhauma, GRtsamada Saunaka, AkRSTa MASA, Sikata NivAvarI, PRSni Aja USanA KAvya VasiSTha MaitrAvaruNI KaSyapa MArIca NodhAs Gautama KaNva Ghaura PraskaNva KANva Pratardana DaivodAsI VasiSTha MaitrAvarunI, Indrapramati VAsiSTha, VRSagaNa VAsiSTha, Manyu VAsiSTha, Upamanyu VAsiSTha, VyAghrapAda VAsiSTha, Sakti VAsiSTha, KarNaSrut VAsiSTha, MRLIka VAsiSTha, Vsukra VAsiSTha, ParASara SAktya, Kutsa ANgiras. AmbarISa VArSAgira, RjiSvan ANgiras RebhAsUnu KASyapas AndhIgu SyAvASvI, YayAtI NAhuSa, NahuSa MAnava, Manu SamvaraNa, PrajApati VaiSvAmitra. Trita Aptya Dvita Aptya Parvata KANva, NArada KANva Agni CakSuSa, CakSu MAnava, Manu Apsava SaptaRSis GaurIvIti SAktya, Sakti VAsiSTha, Uru ANgiras, RjiSvan BhAradvAja Agni DhISNya AiSvaraya TryaruNa TraivRSNa, Trasadasyu Paurukutsa AnAnata PArucchepi SiSu ANgiras KaSyapa MArIca |
MaNDala X (191 hymns) | |
8 9 10 11-12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20-26
Trita Aptya
TriSirAs TvASTra TriSirAs TvASTra, SindhudvIpa AmbarISa Yama Vaivasvata, YamI VaivasvatI HavirdhAna ANgi VivasvAn Aditya Yama Vaivasvata Sankha YAmAyana Damana YAmAyana DevaSravas YAmAyana Sankusuka YAmAyana Matitha YAmAyana, or BhRgu, or Cyavana BhArgava Vimada Aindra, VasukRt VAsukra Vasukra Aindra KavaSa AilUSa LuSa DhAnaka AbhitApa Saurya Indra MuSkavAn GhoSA KAkSIvatI Suhastya GhauSeya KRSNa Angiras VatsaprI BhAlandana Saptagu ANgiras Indra VaikuNTha Agni Saucika BRhaduktha VAmadevya Bandhu, Subandhu, Srutabandhu, Viprabandhu (GaupAyanas) NAbhAnediSTha MAnava Gaya PlAta VasukarNa VAsukra AyAsya ANgiras Sumitra VAdhryaSva BRhaspati ANgiras GaurivIti SAktya SindhukSit Praiyamedha JaratkarNa Sarpa AirAvata SyUmaraSmi BhArgava Agni SaucIka or Sapti VAjambhara ViSvakarmA Bhauvana Manyu TApasa SUryA SAvitrI VRSAkapi Aindra, Indra, IndrANI PAyu BhAradvAja MUrdhanvAn VAmadevya ReNu VaiSvAmitra NArAyaNa AruNa Vaitahavya SAryAta MAnava TAnva PArthya Arbuda KAdraveya Sarpa PurUravas AiLa, UrvaSI Baru ANgiras, Sarvahari Aindra BhiSag AtharvaNa DevApi ArSTiSeNa Vamra VaikhAnasa Duvasyu VAndana Budha Saumya Mudgala BhArmyaSva Apratiratha Aindra ASTaka VaiSvAmitra Sumitra Kautsa, Durmitra Kautsa BhUtAMSa KASyapa Divya ANgiras, DakSiNA PrAjApatya SaramA, PaNis JuhU BrahmajAyA RAma JAmadagnya, Jamadagni BhArgava ASTAdaMSTra VairUpa Nabhahprabhedana VairUpa Sataprabhedana VairUpa Sadhri VairUpa Upastuta VArSTihavya Agniyuta Sthaura BhikSu ANgiras UrukSaya ANgiras Laba Aindra BRhaddiva AtharvaNa HiraNyagarbha PrAjApatya CitramahA VAsiSTha Vena BhArgava Agni, VaruNa, Soma VAk AmbhRNI AMhomuk VAmadevya KuSika Saubhara, RAtrI BhAradvAjI Vihavya ANgiras PrajApati ParameSThin Yajña PrAjApatya SukIrti KAkSIvata SakapUta NArmedha SudAs Paijavana MAndhAtA YauvanASva KumAra YAmAyana JUti, VAtajUti, ViprajUti, VRSAnaka, Karikrata, EtaSa, RSyaSRnga (VAtaraSanas) SaptaRSis ANga Aurava ViSvavAsu Devagandharva Agni, PAvaka Agni TRpasa SArNga, JaritR, DroNa, SArisRkva, Stambhamitra Atri SAnkhya Urdhvasadman YAmAyana IndrANI DevamunI Airammada Suvedas SairISI PRthu Vainya Arcan HairaNyastUpa MRLIka VAsiSTha SraddhA KAmAyanI SAsa BhAradvAja IndramAtara DevajAmaya YamI VaivasvatI SirimbiTha BhAradvAja Ketu Agneya Bhuvana Aptya, SAdhana Aptya CakSu Saurya SacI PaulomI PUraNa VaiSvAmitra YakSmanASana PrAjApatya RakSohA BrAhma VivRhA KASyapa Pracetas ANgiras Kapota NairRta RSabha VairAja SAkvara ViSvAmitra, Jamadagni Anila VAtAyana Sabara KAkSIvata VibhrAt Saurya ITa BhArgava SaMvarta ANgiras Dhruva ANgiras AbhIvarta ANgiras UrdhvagrAvA Arbuda SUnu Arbhava PataNga PrAjApatya AriSTanemi TArkSya Sibi AuSInara, Pratardana KASirAja, Vasumanas RauhidaSva Jaya Aindra Pratha VAsiSTha, Sapratha BhAradvAja, Gharma Saurya TapurmUrdhan BArhaspatya PrajAvAn PrAjApatya ViSNu PrAjApatya SatyadhRti VAruNi Ula VAtAyana Vatsa Agneya Syena Agneya SArparAjñI AghamarSaNa MAdhucchandas SaMvanana ANgiras |
There are obviously corruptions in the AnukramaNIs in the form of ascriptions to fictitious composers. This is particularly the case in MaNDala X, where a large number of hymns are ascribed to composers whose names, or patronyms/epithets, or both, are fictitious. However, in the first eight MaNDala, except in the case of one single hymn (VIII.47), it is very easy to identify the actual composer (by which we mean the RSi who actually composed the hymn, or his eponymous ancestor to whose name the hymn is to be credited as per the system followed in the particular MaNDala) of a hymn ascribed to a fictitious composer. Hence, in our listing of the composers of the first eight MaNDalas, we have replaced the fictitious names in the AnukramaNIs with the names of the actual composers, whose identity is clear from those same AnukramaNIs. In all these cases, the actual composer is the RSi of the hymn or the RSi of the MaNDala. The hymns in question are: (1) Hymns where the entire hymn, or verses therein, are ascribed solely (in III.23 and IV.42) or alternatively (in the others) to RSis or kings who are referred to within the hymns by the actual composer: |
(2) Dialogue hymns, in some of which verses are ascribed to Gods and even rivers: |
(3) Hymns which are ascribed alternatively to the actual composers and to their remote ancestors: |
2CCAIHO, p.78. 3RR, Volume. II, p.634. 4RGE, p.258. 5HCIP, p.353. |