BIBLICAL GOD IS WRATHFUL, VEDIC GOD IS BENEVOLENT FRIEND 1. BIBLICAL GOD IS WRATHFUL (i) Blood oozed and flowed upto level of horse bridles The New Testament states that Biblical God’s angel threw his sickle into the earth with force, collected the vine of the earth and threw it into the winepress of the wrath of God. Consequently the blood oozed and flowed from the winepress upto the level of horse bridles throughout the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. Here is the text :
2. VEDIC GOD IS BENEVOLENT FRIEND Holy Vedas state that God is kind to all, cruel to none. He bestows bliss on all alike, whether high or low, virtuous or sinner. He is the most gracious, the most merciful and the most benign friend of all. sa na [nd` iSava: saKaa | ====================================
“Mark me, then and then alone you are a Hindu, when the very name sends through you a galvanic shock of strength. Then and then alone you are a Hindu, when every man who bears the name, from any country, speaking our language or any other language, becomes at once the nearest and the dearest to you. Then and then alone you are a Hindu, when the distress of anyone bearing that name comes to your heart and makes you feel as if your own son were in distress.” - Swami Vivekananda